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Why It’s OK to Hit the Pause Button When You Are Feeling Drained and Unfulfilled

Everyone seems to have it all together.

That’s everyone — except you.

A typical day at the office for them seems to be filled with breakthroughs.

Yours on the other hand, is a different story.

Life is taking a toll on you. Your brain hurts. You need an outlet.

You know that the survival of your business depends on you. And if you have employees who depend on the business, the guilt and overwhelm is multiplied many times over.

So you push yourself to keep going.

You multi task.

You spread yourself thin.

Between phone calls, emails and meetings, you barely have the time to breathe.

You try harder.

But the more you try, the more drained you feel.

You are unfulfilled.

Always giving your time to others has left you feeling like a zombie.

You wish you could take a break from it all.

But wait.

You can’t take a break.

The naysayers won’t leave alone

Everyone and their second cousin keep telling you that you must not quit. That your breakthrough is round the corner.

“Fortune favours the bold,” they say.

Then in comes the motivational speakers. The ones that tell you that 8 out of 10 businesses fail within the first five years.

That’s when the little voice in your head whispers, “Don’t be a statistic.”

So you take a deep breath and press harder. Even though you have nothing left to give.

Plot twist: A break is what you need!

Here’s the brutal truth — Burnout is real.

And it’s nothing to be ashamed about. Accept it and shout it from the roof tops.

Its effects can be devastating. They include Stress, headaches, intestinal issues, moodiness and even depression. It leaves one physically, spiritually, and emotionally drained. It can eat it you up slowly.

Whilst are no specific statistics on burnout and its effect on entrepreneurs, it is safe to say that it is not far from the 31% of people in employment who report being stressed and even depressed.

Even the best in the industry have suffered from burnout.

Oprah Winfrey, one of the most hard working women of all time, said that she learnt how to recognize her limits.

Pause, self-reflect and give yo’self some love

“Me time” away from your business is nothing to feel guilty about.

A business needs tactics, strategy, relationship management amongst other things and you can only focus on them when your head is clear. Not when you have a million and one things going through your head.

Even the best athletes in the world are where they are because they recognize the importance of “Me Time”. Roger Federer, Serena Williams, Eliud Kipchoge. The list goes on.

So take a day off. Maybe two. At a minimum, take 30 minutes. Make this a habit.

Schedule it into your calendar.

Here’s how you can do it:

Get back refreshed and ready to soar

Taking time off will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. I know this sounds cliche but it’s true.

This is what will happen:

Good bye overwhelm. Hello clarity.

So this is where the drain and overwhelm stop and a new you is born.

It’s where you say goodbye to listening to the naysayers who keep telling you to keep going.

It’s where you acknowledge that you are not robot. And even if you were, robots too need servicing every once in a while.

From now on, you’ll be able to recognise the signs of burnout and do what needs to be done.

You’ll be refreshed and feel like you are back to your factory settings.

You’ll be fulfilled.


You’ll no longer be walking around like a zombie.

You’ll have new found wings that will help you soar high taking your business to another level without compromising your well-being.

You’ll look back at the moment that you decided to pause and be glad that you did.

So go ahead and reach out for that mental pause button.

Your body will thank you later.

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