Understanding your customers 101: A cheat sheet to help you turn your customers into raving fans

What if clients, like cars, came with a manual? “An A — Z to understanding your clients” of sorts. A handy manual that you could open up every time you wanted to understand a client and say, “Aha! Now I get him!”

You would give anything to get your hands on such a manual. Or anything to help you crawl into the heads of your clients so you can get to know what makes them tick.

But unfortunately, such a manual does not exist.

You wish it did, but it doesn’t.

All you know is that if you don’t get to understand your clients and work on building long relationships with them, very soon, you’ll be staring at a blank computer screen, tapping on your work desk, waiting for your clients to come back and — nothing.

But here’s the good news. While no one can jump and down claiming to have finally figured out human psychology, there is a theory out there that can help you understand the basic personality types.

And you don’t need to be Sigmund Freud to understand them. (Can somebody say Amen?).

So what are those personality types you ask?

Let’s get out the magnifying glass and take a close look;

1. The type that will keep you on your toes

In the world of psychology, these are known as Cholerics. Otherwise known as Type As.

They are extroverted, ambitious and they take up one project at a time. And when they do it, they do it well.

They are very thorough and do their homework before committing. (If a Choleric hires you, rest assured he has done a background check on you).

They are also very suspicious. They are out-going, aggressive and loyal to a fault.

They are militant and preoccupied with their goals. They are workaholics and go-getters who see every project to completion.

They are “know it alls” and always feel like others are not performing to their standard. They find it difficult to delegate and they demand loyalty.

The plus side of working for a Choleric

When you work for a choleric, you know that you are not wasting your time. This client will rarely abandon a project that they started. His pride will not allow.

The downside of working for a Choleric

They can be exhausting to work for. Oh, and watch out for signs of a Choleric using and abusing you. They will not hesitate to step on you to get what they want.

Getting closer to the Choleric

Avoid arguments at all costs. With Cholerics, it’s my way or no way. Put your best foot forward and work hard. Make sure that your ‘T’s are crossed and your ‘I’s dotted and your Choleric client will keep coming back.

2. The type that will make you research your brains out

In the world of psychology, these are known as Melancholics.

This is that boy or girl in high school whom everyone secretly envied because they always got high praise from the teachers.

They are organized, obey rules and love order. They are introverted and stick to specific plans. They want information and will seek it from every source.

They plan and schedule everything. They take long to make decisions because they are cautious, good thinkers and like brainstorming. They are smart and organized.

They also like details and are always skeptical.

The plus side of working for a Melancholic

With a melancholic, you’ll rarely second guess what he wants. He will give you clear directions. With diagrams where necessary.

The downside of working for a Melancholic

If you hate to be micromanaged, then brace yourself. A melancholic will be looking over your shoulder breathing down your neck. He’ll make you want to shout “enough already!”

Getting closer to the Melancholic

Communicate, communicate, communicate. Melancholics like to be kept in the picture. You can never be too detailed for Melancholic so share any and all details and you’ll be in his good books.

3. The type that will make you feel like pulling your hair out

In the world of psychology, these are known as Sanguines.

This is the attention seeker. The boredom buster. The kind of person who is late to the party and has the audacity to slide in screaming, “I’m here!”

They are all about drama, drama, drama and more drama.

They love to have to have fun and there is never a dull moment with a Sanguine.

Watch out when accepting a project from a Sanguine. He’ll hire you for ten projects and never see any to completion. They jump first and then think later.

They are the ultimate risk-takers, are extroverted and tend to make promises that they cannot keep.

They are poor listeners and will try to finish your sentences. He will lie to make himself look good.

They are strong on image and always want to look good. They are jovial and lively — the life of the party. They love to impress and tend to be undisciplined.

The plus side of working for a Sanguine

Sanguines can be a welcome break from the monotony of working online. There is never a dull moment with a Sanguine and you’ll have fun when working for one.

The downside of working for a Sanguine

You could be pulling out your hair trying to understand what a Sanguine wants because he’ll rarely give you clear directions. (How can they when they are not quite sure what they want?)

Getting closer to the Sanguine

Flatter him every chance you get. This makes him feel special. (We all like to feel special but the Sanguine takes it to another level).

4. The type that will make you want to scream in anticipation

In the world of psychology, these are known as Phlegmatics. For lack of a better bad, they can appear as, well, lazy.

They are introverted and are more of observers and watchers. Sometimes, they have no clue what is going on. They are absent-minded and are very tolerant. They are cool and calm and do not like attention.

They hate drama and embarrassment.

They watch others perform and hate arguments. They are big on relationships and relate well with everybody.

The plus side of working with a Phlegmatic

Working for a Phlegmatic feels like working for a close friend. They will value your relationships and will give you room to work without interference.

The downside of working for a Phlegmatic

It can be frustrating working for a Phlegmatic because they take long to make decisions. They feel removed from the project. Almost like they are being forced into it.

Getting closer to the Phlegmatic

Always put his human side before the project. He will come back to you based on your passed relationship.

Final thoughts

Imagine how much easier it would be working with clients that you understand.

No more frustration trying to understand their temperament. No more scratching your head trying to figure out what makes them tick.

You will begin to see how you can win their hearts and keep them coming back. You will know how to approach any challenges that you may have along the way. You will know how to approach them when things get thick.

Ultimately, there will be less drama. There will be fewer misunderstandings.
Eventually, you will be able to build deep, lasting relationships with your clients.

Relationships that last a lifetime.

Relationships that will make you their go-to freelancer because you get them.

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